Saturday 29 September 2012

Outreach week 2!!

Another update written by Alyssa Burroughs. Enjoy :)

WEEK 2 UPDATE  (9/15 – 9/21/2012)
Saturday was spent interceding for Costa Rica.  What a time!  God was speaking to us like crazy.  Janie ended up writing 3 pages of notes down for their team.  If you want to see the notes, let me know and I’ll have Janie email them to you.
The rest of the day we prepared for the 4 church services happening tomorrow.  Those leading worshipped practiced, Mandi, Tack, Jeromy, Jeff and I read through our scriptures, etc. 
After dinner, we treasure hunted downtown.  Andy and Thor broke off.  Mandi and Soph were a team and Tack, Jeff and Jeromy went together.  Janie and I went back to the liquor store where Kylie works, but she wasn’t there.  We ended up leaving a prayer/intercession note for Kylie and some chocolate.  The guy working in her place, Eddy, made a joke about not getting any chocolate…so we bought him some fudge and talked for about 15 minutes   Haha!  He was not expecting that at all.  Eddy told us quite a bit about his life story and showed us pictures on his computer of places he’s gone boarding.  No prayer.  We saw a man with crutches on the street.  His name is Dave and he recently tore his ACL.  Janie and I asked if he wanted prayer, but he said no (although kept talking to us and was very nice).  I think the best part of the night was going to CookieTime and meeting Jo.  She talked with us for about 15 minutes.  After sharing a bit of our life and hearing more of hers, we got her interested in the Youth Booth nights on Friday.  Jo is going to bring a bunch of cookies this Friday (hopefully) and hangout.  Also, she offered to give Janie a FREE pair of Jucy sunglasses.  Janie and I want to keep pursuing Eddy, Kylie and Jo.  There’s great potential for relationships in all three…hopefully prayer too!  Other than meeting plenty on new people, we are all still hoping to pray for God’s treasures.  He is moving in Queenstown.
9:00am – St. John’s church service in Arrowtown.  Shane, Linda and Shayne were a no show   Bummer.  Murray, the pastor, was so funny and lively.  The majority of the congregation consists of 70, 80 and 90-some-year-olds.  There were a few under that age group, but not many.  I can see what the locals mean by “generational churches.”  It was a great time though.  All of us were able to speak with many of the members and love on them.  We made it a point to sit apart from one another.  The worship, scripture reading and YWAM introduction all went well. 
10:45am – St. Andrew’s church service in Queenstown.  Tack gave his testimony (which went very well).  Rev. Ian even referred back to it as he preached.  Jeromy and I read scripture and Mandi shared about YWAM.  It wasn’t as involved as St. John’s, but still wonderful.  We were able to mingle with quite a few members after the service and see the Korean church set up.  Next Sunday we are running the entire church service!
3:00pm – Glenorchy church in Glenorchy.  The church is the size of a shed and the congregation (apart from YWAM) is under 10 people.  We preformed the exact same service from St.John’s church this morning.  There was more discussion during the sermon since everyone could share in such close quarters.  We even got the chance to pray for one another.  After the service, we walked across the street to one of the member’s homes for tea and coffee.  All of them are such a family and love fellowshipping.  They were so excited to double the size of their service.
6:30pm - Freedom church in Queenstown.  Tonight, the 9 of us attended Freedom to wind down from our long day and chill.  We weren’t apart of the service in any way.  The worship was INCREDIBLY powerful.  The best part of the night was walking into church and seeing John (the street evangelist) sitting with Vashon (the Hindu man staying with us at the Shotover Lodge).  Ahhhhhh!  SO GOOD!  Tack sat by Vashon we both got the chance to pray for him that night.  Vashon got the job in Queenstown too!  And he wants to keep going to Freedom!  And possibly get involved with worship!  Our Father has such a plan for Vashon and is working in his life more than he realizes.  The sermon was perfect for him too!  Absolutely perfect!  After church, Janie, Thor and I went to CookieTime to see Jo.  She gave Janie the Jucy sunglasses and we know where she lives too.  I think Janie and I are going to leave her some written prayers…or something like what we did for Kylie.  It was pretty busy in the store, so we couldn’t talk long, but God has definitely put Jo on our heart.  
Monday morning we helped out a family from St. Andrew’s plant their flax bushes.  We were able to work 30 minutes before getting completely rained out.  After waiting the rain out and eating lunch, we went back to work only to get soaked once more.  Hopefully we can go this week or next to finish what we started.
The afternoon was gloomy.  That evening we went to Freedom youth.  They asked us to cook dinner.  Fellowship was fantastic.  Freedom and YWAM are really starting to bond   They all have incredibly huge hearts and accepting, inviting spirits.  After dinner, the youth went upstairs to discuss Ben’s testimony while YWAM stayed downstairs to hang out with the young adult group.  They were asking us about ministry opportunities in Queenstown and wanted to know what we’ve done so far on outreach.  It was a lax, open discussion.  This Saturday we are teaming with Freedom to do a skateboard/movie/BBQ night open to anyone.  It’s locked in!  Ministry is in progress…
Tuesday we snowboarded at The Remarkables. The boys all had a great time doing park laps and messing around with the GoPro.  Janie and Sophie hung out in the lodge all day.  Mandi and I boarded a half-day and tried some “gutsy” things in the park.  Not many of us got a chance to talk to people on the lift.  It was a slower day.  I did see Eddy snowboarding though, and the Chilean guy who juggled in the street from Saturday night.  However, they didn’t recognize me.  I wish I had Janie boarding with me to tag team talking with them.
Tonight was so great!  Everyone was busy cooking dinner around the same time as us.  We got to see John and Vashon.  Thor ended up talking to Vashon for over two hours about Christianity, Jesus, the gospels, etc.  Janie, Jeff, Andy and I were playing card at a table nearby and kept looking over at the two of them with huge smiles – we know God is at work!  Thor is awesome for stepping out in faith and taking the time to be with Vashon.  I feel a harvest reaping soon!
We fasted on Wednesday, as well as the Costa Rica team (although it’s Tuesday their time).  All nine of us started off the morning in devotion, encouragement and prayer.  Mandi emphasized Isaiah 61 to us.  It is the scripture for our outreach team.
Jeromy broke off from us that afternoon to rock climb with one of the Freedom kids.  It was the perfect opportunity to fellowship and grow roots deeper between YWAM and Freedom Church.
That afternoon the 8 of us went in to town for a few hours with no set agenda.  I met a worker in one of the souvenir shops, Angel, and recognized her from the last time we were in Queenstown eight weeks ago.  We spoke for quite some time, but after a bit of courage build up, Angel is going out to coffee with Janie and I tomorrow at 2.  It’s crazy how the Holy Spirit leads you to someone like that and sets up a coffee date without you even trying.  God is so great at planning!  Haha!  Wow…
Jeff and I saw a man with crutches near the waterfront.  We asked if he wanted prayer for healing but he said no.  Oh well.  We prayed for him anyway after he walked away.  Healing can happen without hands being laid on an injury.  A prayer has the same power   So, Jeff and I followed at a distance praying…and then all of a sudden…he started walking/limping with his crutches down the main strip of Queenstown!  It was nuts!  You’re cool God, real cool.
Tonight was Freedom Church’s mid-week service/bible study.  A lot of the same people from youth night went as well as new faces.  We ate dinner, chatted and had a GREAT night learning more about the fruits of the Spirit.  After, we broke into small groups and prayed for one another.  Awe man, it was a fantastic night.
Thursday was our day off.  All of us went in to town that afternoon to hangout and bum around town.
Janie and I had a blessed time with Angel.  She is 29, from China and moved to New Zealand less than a year ago.  Angel doesn’t claim to have a specific religion, although she has studied and practiced mostly Buddhism beliefs.  She asked some really tough questions about our faith, like: Do we ever doubt our faith?  How do we know God is real?  How do we explain judgmental, unaccepting churches?  It was insane!  Angel was extremely open to hearing us out and patiently listened.  I really wanted to talk more, but we had to leave at 3:15 to get ready for Snow Park.  I invited Angel to our skateboard/movie/BBQ night this Saturday though.  Pray that she comes!
Everyone except Janie and Sophie snowboarded at Snow Park tonight with SFC.  It was super fun!  We all practiced plenty of tricks.  Mandi bashed her head really hard after falling off a dragon box :/  She was in pretty bad shape tonight after we got home.  A doctor didn’t confirm it, but I think Mandi may have gotten a concussion.  Please keep her in your prayers and ask that her brain in protected and her muscles loosen up. 
Back at base:  Janie and Sophie got to hangout with John and Vashon tonight.  They watched the X-Factor for nearly two hours and chatted plenty.  Janie taught Vashon new songs on the guitar too!  I really think God is doing a tremendous work in Vashon.  Keep praying for him!  There was a definitely a reason why Janie and Sophie stayed back at base tonight.  Thank you Jesus for them!
Friday was spent preparing for St. Andrew’s service on Sunday.
Youth Booth was from 5-9.  We helped set up and worked alongside Nathan.  The kids were much younger this week.  We played computer games with a few of them.  The acoustic music was great and Tracy was there again with her husband Dave (one of the judges).  I invited them to St. Andrew’s tomorrow since they don’t have a set church to attend.  Hopefully we’ll see them Sunday!
Prayer Points:  Pray for Chenay working in the Shotover Lodge.  She attends Freedom and has been given many opportunities for ministry during work, but is a bit overwhelmed by it. Kylie, Jo, Tracy and Dave.  Continued growth between Freedom and YWAM.  Vashon, Vashon, Vashon.  Enough said.

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